Ministry Fair Booth Ideas
Ministry fairs provide an opportunity to recruit workers and increase congregational involvement in various church programs. Leaders can use booths to communicate their ministries' activities and visions. Ministry fairs also add an important relational aspect to the recruiting process. Author Tom Rainer notes that involvement in church ministries increases not so much from pulpit appeals and literature, but from relationship connections. Presenters can use several tactics to make appealing booths.
Presenters should prepare literature or video presentations that share the stories of people whose lives have been touched by the ministry. A nursing-home ministry leader, for example, could solicit testimonials from senior citizens with whom they have worked. A leader who works with teenagers could record students reciting Bible verses or engaging in a youth-group project. People are more likely to support or actively participate in a cause when they can see how their participation will make a difference.
Many people want to serve but don't feel qualified. Presenters should prepare brochures that explain formal training and mentoring options available, should a person choose to join the ministry. The leader could outline a process that allows someone to attend a training seminar then practice mentoring with an experienced team member. This type of arrangement can remove the fear from volunteering.
Providing refreshments can lead to people lingering longer at your booth. This adds to the amount of time the leader or team member speaks with the visitor. It also demonstrates a giving attitude on the part of the ministry the booth represents. Passersby should leave with the impression that ministry members are eager to give, and that spirit of generosity may inspire them to join.
Ensure the booth contains gifts, or announce a certain time when prizes will be awarded to those who sign an information sheet or guest book. This is another way to demonstrate generosity, and may motivate people to come back to your booth; this gives you the opportunity to speak with them again.
Ensure all decorations follow a theme that highlights the ministry’s focus. Make an impression of being organized and structured. It is just like being dressed well; your presentation reflects your level of investment and diligence. A well-ordered and unified presentation helps communicate that this ministry does things decently and in order.
Recruit people from your ministry to talk about the ministry. Leaders should prepare a short checklist in advance that booth presenters could follow when discussing the ministry with interested persons. This script ensures important information is not neglected, and helps alleviate booth presenters’ nervousness. This script should be as concise as possible and in bullet-point form.