How to Apply a Congruence Model
From an organizational performance standpoint, congruence analysis focuses on four key member parties: tasks, people, structure and culture. The goal of congruence analysis is to get these elements to work in unison. Your business may be able to get the job done without congruence analysis, but it won't be as efficient or effective as it could be, and in the world of business inefficiency translates into lost profit.
The first step in applying the congruence model is to analyze and understand the core work that needs to be done. If you are working on a change for the entire organization, you need to know what drives the performance for your entire organization. Identify the work that to be done, how it is processed and how progress is communicated. Learn what skills are needed, how the work flows and what intrinsically motivates people to exceed goals.
Next, identify the most critical tasks in the organization. Understand who's doing these tasks, what skills they have, what kind of experience they bring to the table and anything else that can help to understand their career progression. Identify the dominant culture, especially if it affects communication. Culture is defined by the attitudes and beliefs of the people in the organization. Additionally, some organizations are more prone to politics than others, which can hinder congruent work flow.
Now that you have an understanding for the tasks, people, structure and culture of the organization, you can begin to identify and fix the incongruities. The goal of your analysis is to understand if the work is being done by the right people at the right time. Maybe it's not the people, but the process that needs to be reorganized. The culture may be too informal to support the kind of cooperation needed to create a more efficient work flow.
Congruency analysis is an iterative process. The last step is the implementation and creation of congruency. Work through the areas of incongruency while recognizing natural congruences. You will want to start with the resolution of major incongruence and reinforce those ares that are congruent. It is important to focus on both what is congruent and what is not. Additionally, congruency must be maintained. Sometimes new processes need to be built to ensure congruence is maintained.