How to Get a Tattoo License in Omaha, Nebraska
Commercial tattoo artists are frequently required to obtain a license from local government. Licenses safeguard the public from infection and other potentially dangerous effects of improper handling of needles and application of tattoos. In Nebraska, the state government licenses individual body artists and body art facilities not individual counties or cities. You can obtain a license as a tattoo artist in Omaha by submitting the appropriate application to the state.
Select the appropriate license application from the website of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. You can apply for a license as an individual tattoo artist or for a business facility with several body artists on staff.
Select "tattoo artist" as the type of body art work you will be doing from the provided list. You can check other categories, including body brander, permanent color technician or body piercer, if appropriate.
Take bloodborne pathogen training that covers sanitation, infection control, safety and sterilization procedures for a minimum of two hours if you have not done so within the past three years. You must receive this training from an approved facility such as a hospital, Red Cross or other accredited facility. Attach a copy of your certificate of completion to your application.
Undergo first aid training from a certified facility for at least two hours if you have not done so within the past three years. Training covers recognition of emergency situations, wound treatment, managing sudden illness, avoiding pathogen exposure and steps to minimize shock. Attach a copy of your certificate of completion to your application.
Enclose the required documentation after completing the application. Documentation is necessary for proof of age and citizenship status; you can include a copy of your driver's license, passport, naturalization papers or others goverment-issued documents.
Send the completed application and the required fee to the State of Nebraska's Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health Licensure Unit.
If you own a tattoo business, you will need to purchase separate licenses for each of your artists. They will, however, need to each have the appropriate training and provide the needed documents.