How to Get a Taxi Cab Business License in Florida
Obtaining the required licenses to open a new taxi business in Florida is a multi-step process. First you must complete all the necessary requirements for general business licensing. Only after you have registered and been approved to start a business can you continue with the licensing requirements unique to the taxi and transportation industry. In order to legally start a taxi business, both business and taxi drivers licensing requirements must be complied with at both the state and local level.
Things You Will Need
Valid business name
Current tax records
Current bank records
EIN number
Determine the legal classification for you taxi business. If you choose to start a corporation, a non-profit or a limited liability company or a partnership you must register with the state of Florida. If you choose to operate as a sole proprietorship, you do not need to register your business with the state.
Apply for a federal tax identification number, or Employer Identification Number (EIN), which is used to identify you business for tax purposes. EINs are issued by the Internal Revenue Service and are also refered to as as an Employer Tax ID. Use Form SS-4 to apply:
Register with the Florida Department of Revenue. You are required to register before you can legally begin business operations. You can apply in person, on-line or by mail. Taxes and fees are specific industry and state and local governments, be sure you are in complete compliance with all government agencies. A complete list of forms is available at the Florida Department of Revenue website:
Comply with the licensing requirements of the local government. There are currently no state-wide licensing requirements for taxi drivers in Florida. Taxi drivers need only have Class E licenses rather than Commercial licenses. However, you do need to have Personal Injury Protection and and Bodily Injury Liability Insurance at a minimum.