Adult stores provide access to intimate products while providing as much of a non-intimidating environment as possible to encourage shopping at such a facility. It's important to have at least one male and one female attendant on the sales floor so members of either sex may choose whom they are most comfortable with. An adult store's success is greatly improved in how the different items are laid out and organized on the floor. Organization and atmosphere are the two keys to success in an adult intimate product store.

Things You Will Need
  • Local business permit

  • State sales tax identification number

  • Federal Employer Identification Number

  • Workman's Compensation Insurance account

  • Sound system with speakers

  • Tables

  • Inventory

  • Book shelves or makeshift vertical shelves

  • Cash register

Determine the permanent location of the adult store main office. Hang all local, State and Federal permits and tax certificates on the wall within this office as most laws require them to be prominently displayed.

Obtain information from your state regarding any laws regulating age limits imposed on the transfer, sale or purchase of adult intimate products from a retail store. Make a sign declaring any such age restrictions and place on the front door or window of your business if any such limitations exist.

Set up the sound system and install speakers in all four corners of the store. Select soothing music of your choice to play throughout the business day to add a sense of safety and comfort for the shoppers. Keep the volume slightly below the average audible conversational level within the store so voices are kept at a relaxing level while shoppers are browsing through the selection of intimate merchandise.

Set up tables for boxed intimate products that may be laid flat. Organize tables so there are two rows on two separate sides: one row containing boxed items for the female shoppers and one row for boxed items for the male shoppers. Arrange items of like-type together so all are easy to find quickly.

Set up bookshelf units or construct your own vertical standing shelves to contain adult videos such as tapes and DVD products. Alphabetize all packaged adult video products for ease of locating.

Set up sales counter with cash register. Post a bulletin board near the sales counter providing listings for customers seeking adult dating encounters as an incentive to bring customers back to the store to browse further at a later date. Keep phone numbers and addresses confidential but provide an identification number to each who is seeking an intimate partner. Provide a notification service to the party being sought, including a phone number or email address where the respondent may be contacted.

Check personal identification of all customers at checkout time if local or State laws require it for intimate products sold through your store and refuse anyone who isn't of legal age to purchase. If such is the case, gently explain that it is a local or State law and thank the individual for visiting the store.


In general, for all businesses including adult intimacy businesses, it is important to keep accurate records of inventory and all financial transactions including both income and payments. Tax institutions may select your adult business for a tax audit and records are required to be produced at the time of such visit.


Never permit yourself or employees to make any approving or disapproving comments about the sexual orientation of shoppers visiting the store and never divulge information about any shopper to employees or other customers. Failure to cultivate a trusting environment within an adult store could cause serious long-term damage to the customer base and to your business.

Always make sure the price of every piece of merchandise in the store is clearly marked. Some may feel too uncomfortable asking what the price is on an item and may simply choose to leave it on the shelf rather than ask.