Grants for Senior Citizen Centers
A multipurpose senior center (MSC) is a community resource which not only organizes social activities, but also provides a useful information service for senior citizens. Grants towards construction and running costs of MSCs are available from a variety of sources, including federal and state community development programs.
Title III of the Older Americans Act (OAA) enacted in 1965, serves as a funding source for community-based services for elderly citizens in the U.S.. The federal government allots funding to each state annually, and area agencies on aging distribute financial resources and provide information to individual local service providers.
This program was established in 1974 to provide neighborhoods with the financial resources to address community development needs. Grants are available through various different schemes, such as the Small Cities CDBG Program, which are administered at the county or municipal level. Funding is available for community schemes that benefit people on low and medium incomes.
Grants for senior centers are often available from local government agencies. For example, the Oklahoma Senior Center Grant Program provides grants toward construction costs for building or improving multipurpose senior centers and purchasing equipment.
The Livable Communities Program in Maryland is administered by the Department of Community Affairs and is aimed at promoting safer and more livable communities. Grants may be available to local activities which support the aims of this program.