Small businesses do well when employees are loyal, positive minded and treat the workplace with respect. When you have employees who exhibit attitude problems, the company has a serious concern. In a small business, everyone on the job is likely to be affected by the attitude issues. Human Resources must address the behaviors that accompany problematic mindsets. An effective action plan that seeks to help individual employees will benefit the business as a whole.

Write down details of each infraction employees commit that is connected with problems in attitude. Note the date, time, specific actions and witnesses on individual occurrences. Compile a list of reasons why the employees’ attitudes and resulting behaviors hurt the company and other employees. This will help you demonstrate to employees the wide range effects of their personal choices.

Meet confidentially with employees who exhibit attitude problems. Ask the workers if they have particular concerns regarding the job. Attempt to get them to open up about what is bothering them so you can help work through the issues. Focus on behaviors rather than counseling employees on attitude itself. Hughes-Consulting advises not to use the term "attitude" at all but to use the words "conduct" and "actions" so that you cannot be accused of trying to alter someone's personality.

Present employees with your documentation regarding incidences of behavior that the company will not tolerate. Allow the staff members to give you feedback about the events. Actively listen so you can better help address the problem as a whole.

Create a performance-improvement plan to give troubled employees an opportunity to work on attitude issues so that behavior comes into line with company standards. Do not create one standard plan but individual ones geared toward a particular employee's particular situation. For example, an employee who has an aggressive attitude problem would not benefit by a plan geared toward a worker whose attitude issue is laziness. The Enterprise Management Development Academy recommends attempting to get the employees to help set goals for themselves so they have input in the solution process.

Follow up regularly with employees under performance-action plans. Attitude adjustments might not be immediately evident, but the specific behaviors you addressed with employees should improve quickly. Document these improvements to share with the employees when you meet together again.

Discipline employees who do not change their behaviors during the period in which an action plan is in place. Use your best judgment to decide whether written warnings should be issued, suspensions should occur or if it is time for the company to part ways with particular individuals.


Take a proactive stance against negative attitudes by including "postive conduct" training for new hires as well as periodic seminars for all employees on topics such as how bad attitudes adversely affect everyone.

Develop a set of guidelines that specifically address behaviors for which the company will have zero tolerance. Describe the consequences that will result from infractions.